5 ft tall mannequin on brass stand (not shown), paper, cloth, metal

Full sized Mannequin with collage, cloth and metal on Antique Brass Stand

Full Size Mannequin with collage, cloth and metal on Antique brass stand

Full size mannequin with collage, metal and cloth on Antique brass stand

36” x 16” x 2”
Old Organ keyboard, rusty metal, wood, embroidery thread
SHOWN in The DeYoung Museum, Sept - December 2020

52" x 33" x 4" 2012 Assemblage.

14” x 16” x 1”
Paper, encaustic, plaster, paint, oil stick

10” x 25” x 1”
Paper Collage, Encaustic, Yarn, Cardboard, on wood panel

46" x 11" x 9"
Old organ wood and push buttons, collage skeleton diagrams, and found objects. This piece has several hidden features that can't be seen in this photo. Contact me for more photos.

12” x 12” x 21”
Globe with collage and paint

12” x 12” x 21”
Globe with collage and paint

11.5” x 10”
Paper, metal, cardboard, plastic, paint

19” x 27” x 6”
Assemblage, metal and wood

15” x 8” x 1”
Collage Encaustic Assemblage with etching and oil stick, old paper file

11.5” x 9.5”
Collage Encaustic Assemblage with etching and oil stick

8” x 10” x .5”
Collage Encaustic Assemblage with etching and oil stick

3’ x 2’ paper mannequin
Paper, Assemblage

10” x 11”
Collage Encaustic Assemblage with etching and oil paint

19” x 19” x 2”
Paper, Brass, wood Assemblage

Teabags, wood, cloth, string, violin piece, encaustic wax 24 x 14 x 2

14” x 20” x 6”

24” x 36” x 3”
Metal, wood, paint, paper

Metal, canvas, aluminum

Wood, wire, ceramic, nest, feather 13 x 12 x 3

10” x 40” x 1.5”
Metal, paper, encaustic, ceramic

7” x 48” x 2”
Paper, Acrylic paint, Oil Stick, Encaustic on Antique wood box

Canvas, paint, metal, paper, cloth, wood, encaustic wax 26 x 20 x 1

16” x 20” x 1.5”
Paper, Cloth, Encaustic, Oil Stick, Wood, on wood panel

Wool, wood, wire 29" x 19" x 11"

16” x 23” x 3.5” SOLD

3 ft x 1 ft
Cardboard, reed, paint, string

Assemblage with bones

9” x 23” x 9”

15” x 30” x 1.5”
Paper, cloth, on wood panel

12” x 12” x 2”
Assemblage on flat wood panel

Wood, paper, photo, metal, found objects 14 x 14 x 2.5 The story of Amy Johnson, British aviator.

14 x 14 x 1.5 SOLD
A room, used as a refuge, by whom? from whom?
Plaster, paint, paper, found objects. Influenced by Surrealism.

Wire and paper mask on wood base Based on the famous sculpture, this version is very light because it is hollow.
12" x 12" x 19"

14" x 14" x 2.5"
Plaster carved painting with found objects. Where is your dark place?

Found mugshot of one cool dude in the 20s.
Plaster, photo, paint on a wood artist panel
8" x 6" x 1.5"

18”x 26”x 5”
Assemblage, plaster, paint

Wood, paper, encaustic wax, string 14" x 5" 3"

A piece that reflects what you see within it. And what do you make of those three tiny flies seen flittering around?
Plaster, paint, paper, and encaustic wax on a deep wall panel.
15" x 15" x 3"

A collage dressing a lady of the 19th century in ads from a woman's magazine of her era. The background made from newspaper want ads of the 20th century and a beautiful verdigris piece of copper attached to a deep wood wall panel.
11" x 10" x 1.5"

Wire and paper mask, found objects
16.5" round x 4" deep

Winter memories of snow, trees and forest animals.

Collaborative piece with artist Ken Berman.
Contact me for more info.

21" x 18" x 3"
Transparent, found object piece. Hang on the wall for an ethereal abstract that looks as if a hornet has created it, hang in light to transform it and show all the circular details. Found objects, tissue paper, glue, wood frame.

Commissioned piece made from purchaser's found box and family memorabilia. Contact Cat to create a personal family memory for you. kaufmancat@gmail.com. Pricing varies by scale.

15" x 14" x 1.5"
Carved plaster, paint, found objects

20” x 24” x 1”
Photos, encaustic wax, on wood panel, in wood frame

10" x 8" x 1.5". Where will life take her? Plaster, paint, images, encaustic wax.

Found objects in silverware box with plaster buddha.

15" x 16" x 1"
Plaster on wood panel with paint and found objects.

Childhood is fleeting and as ethereal as the wispy pieces of netting that make up this piece.
If you look carefully, this cute little bird carries the memory of the baby blue lined paper we all used in school when learning our alphabet.
Textured plaster and paint on deep wall panel
15" x 15" x 3"

Do you ever feel that you are the prisoner of your circumstances? This wire, paper and string assemblage on a piece of chair shares that feeling that you can get tied to your own life. But you can choose to change that as well.

Supplicant Definition: Someone who asks with earnest prayer. Who is doing the asking? Who is hearing the prayer?

Remembering the great magician in his habitat.
Wood, chain, metal, paper, paint
5" x 8" x 1.5"

13" x 11.5" x 3"
All metal. Would make a great hanging garden sculpture.

Assemblage. Just plug in the head and you are ready to go onstage!

The story of the Dalai Lama is fascinating. When one dies they search for the reincarnated soul in a toddler. He is taken to live and learn with the monks - so is he born to lead or taught to lead?

26" x 5" x 8"
Wire and paper mask with found objects on copper
Personal collection

12”x 12” x 2”
Assemblage, metal, wood

Wire and pattern paper foot, found objects

Violin case containing layers of paper with an old map of Antarctica below. The layers of paper reflect the glacial layers and the piece feels as though it was just found buried in the ice - a remnant of a long ago shipwreck.
24" x 8" x 1"

Plaster, paint, wood. Framed (not shown)
12" x 12" x 2"

36" x 14" x 3"
A ladder reaching toward the sky from a small boat, adrift...
both are wrapped, as if in a dream.
metal, paper, cloth
White represents death in many societies as it does here. The rusty piece of twisted metal that protrudes from the piece creates a marvelous wing-like shadow on the wall when light is directed at it on the wall.

Wire and paper hollow mask with a lot of personality.
Wire, paper, maps, cloth
24" x 12" x 12"

22.5" x 10" x 2.5"
Plaster encaustic assemblage created in reverence to Adele by Gustov Klimt. The brown river flows from left to right across the piece, passing objects representing the history of the painting, from its creation, into war years, where it was stolen by the Nazis. Parts of the piece reflect symbols and colors in the Klimt painting.

Found pieces reflect their own histories and create a new one now that they are combined.
Metal, cloth, rope, rubber

Plaster, paint, linen, encaustic wax on panel

Wood, plaster, paint, metal, found objects
12" x 12" x 2"

Wood, paper, metal, found objects
12" x 6.5" x 2.5"

Wood, metal, ceramic, paper, feather. found objects
11" x 6.5" x 2.5"

A woman from an earlier era reflects on modern issues while her eggs accumulate at her feet.
Wood, paper, metal, plastic
11" x 12" x 2.5"

Metal, plaster, paint, cardboard, found objects
12" x 7" x 6"

Plaster, paint, images, found objects

19" x 12" x 3"
Three drawers with found objects
Personal collection

Plaster, paint and encaustic on stretched canvas

Wood, cloth, eggs, found objects
Homage to Bruce Connor
13" x 10" x 2"

10" x 8" x 3.5". Shown at an angle to see that the found metal circle protrudes from the piece. Plaster, paint, encaustic wax, found objects.

Found book pieces
10.5" x 11" x 1"

Commissioned mask. Wire, Paper, cloth, paint, plaster.

Photo from book, plaster, paint, wood
11" x 9" x 1.5" SOLD
Assemblage with painted canvas backing and wood ruler, rusty pieces from beach on Kauai, Hawaii. Framed in metal with white feathers, image of woman and ceramic doll legs.

Wire and paper mask with paint on found metal.

Plaster, paint, found objects

9.5" x 8"x 58" tall
Assemblage. 2010

7" x 5" x 26.5" Tall 2010
Assemblage with springs, fishing line spool, postage stamp, watch face, metal pieces, rusty spikes, wood box with metal base, wire, and trophy, 2011

8.5 x 8 x 2" 95.
Bone, paper, metal
Bible quote on bone says, "and not a soul escapes..." (death)

Wood, paper, photo, found objects

18" x 8" x 3" 2014
wire and paper mask with found objects

16” x 20” x 1.5”
Metal, plastic, paint, in wood panel

3 ft. x 1 ft.
Cardboard, reed, paint, string
Wire and paper mask with string

Plaster, paint, wood, nail, anemone spikes

Wire and paper mask

Wire and paper on wood base

Wood, plaster, metal, paper

Wood, metal, found objects, wax

Found objects

Wood, ink, vellum, copper

Wood, metal, wire, paper, found objects
6" x 26.5" x 7"

Wood, plaster, paint, paper, found objects

Wood, paint, found objects

Wood, paint, found objects

Where have all the bees gone?
cardboard, paper, paint and string
Seen from below in skylight

Wood, found objects

Found Objects, plaster, paint, wax

Metal, found objects, paint, wax

Metal rusted baking pan on film container with rusted wire

Plaster and paint on wood with key

Wire and paper mask with wire and spike
Based on the story of Phineas Gage, the man who was injured by a spike through his head when it was dynamited in the 1800s. He is famous as a study for the area of psychology.

Wood, photo, string, cloth, vellum, ink

Wood, paint, found objects

Wood, paper, wire, found objects, paint

Wire, paper, metal, wood, found objects, string
Represents the societal confinement of women in past centuries.

Wood, wire, paper, plaster, found objects

Wood, wire and paper, found objects, paint, wax

Found objects

Wood, paper, wax, found objects Filled with things that are worshiped: money children, gods, etc.

Found Objects Representing the young vaudevillian actress who was killed in the 1906 earthquake in Santa Rosa, CA.
Personal Collection

Mannequin on crate with wire and paper mask
Personal collection

Wood, plaster, found objects

5 ft tall mannequin on brass stand (not shown), paper, cloth, metal
Full sized Mannequin with collage, cloth and metal on Antique Brass Stand
Full Size Mannequin with collage, cloth and metal on Antique brass stand
Full size mannequin with collage, metal and cloth on Antique brass stand
36” x 16” x 2”
Old Organ keyboard, rusty metal, wood, embroidery thread
SHOWN in The DeYoung Museum, Sept - December 2020
52" x 33" x 4" 2012 Assemblage.
14” x 16” x 1”
Paper, encaustic, plaster, paint, oil stick
10” x 25” x 1”
Paper Collage, Encaustic, Yarn, Cardboard, on wood panel
46" x 11" x 9"
Old organ wood and push buttons, collage skeleton diagrams, and found objects. This piece has several hidden features that can't be seen in this photo. Contact me for more photos.
12” x 12” x 21”
Globe with collage and paint
12” x 12” x 21”
Globe with collage and paint
11.5” x 10”
Paper, metal, cardboard, plastic, paint
19” x 27” x 6”
Assemblage, metal and wood
15” x 8” x 1”
Collage Encaustic Assemblage with etching and oil stick, old paper file
11.5” x 9.5”
Collage Encaustic Assemblage with etching and oil stick
8” x 10” x .5”
Collage Encaustic Assemblage with etching and oil stick
3’ x 2’ paper mannequin
Paper, Assemblage
10” x 11”
Collage Encaustic Assemblage with etching and oil paint
19” x 19” x 2”
Paper, Brass, wood Assemblage
Teabags, wood, cloth, string, violin piece, encaustic wax 24 x 14 x 2
14” x 20” x 6”
24” x 36” x 3”
Metal, wood, paint, paper
Metal, canvas, aluminum
Wood, wire, ceramic, nest, feather 13 x 12 x 3
10” x 40” x 1.5”
Metal, paper, encaustic, ceramic
7” x 48” x 2”
Paper, Acrylic paint, Oil Stick, Encaustic on Antique wood box
Canvas, paint, metal, paper, cloth, wood, encaustic wax 26 x 20 x 1
16” x 20” x 1.5”
Paper, Cloth, Encaustic, Oil Stick, Wood, on wood panel
Wool, wood, wire 29" x 19" x 11"
16” x 23” x 3.5” SOLD
3 ft x 1 ft
Cardboard, reed, paint, string
Assemblage with bones
9” x 23” x 9”
15” x 30” x 1.5”
Paper, cloth, on wood panel
12” x 12” x 2”
Assemblage on flat wood panel
Wood, paper, photo, metal, found objects 14 x 14 x 2.5 The story of Amy Johnson, British aviator.
14 x 14 x 1.5 SOLD
A room, used as a refuge, by whom? from whom?
Plaster, paint, paper, found objects. Influenced by Surrealism.
Wire and paper mask on wood base Based on the famous sculpture, this version is very light because it is hollow.
12" x 12" x 19"
14" x 14" x 2.5"
Plaster carved painting with found objects. Where is your dark place?
Found mugshot of one cool dude in the 20s.
Plaster, photo, paint on a wood artist panel
8" x 6" x 1.5"
18”x 26”x 5”
Assemblage, plaster, paint
Wood, paper, encaustic wax, string 14" x 5" 3"
A piece that reflects what you see within it. And what do you make of those three tiny flies seen flittering around?
Plaster, paint, paper, and encaustic wax on a deep wall panel.
15" x 15" x 3"
A collage dressing a lady of the 19th century in ads from a woman's magazine of her era. The background made from newspaper want ads of the 20th century and a beautiful verdigris piece of copper attached to a deep wood wall panel.
11" x 10" x 1.5"
Wire and paper mask, found objects
16.5" round x 4" deep
Winter memories of snow, trees and forest animals.
Collaborative piece with artist Ken Berman.
Contact me for more info.
21" x 18" x 3"
Transparent, found object piece. Hang on the wall for an ethereal abstract that looks as if a hornet has created it, hang in light to transform it and show all the circular details. Found objects, tissue paper, glue, wood frame.
Commissioned piece made from purchaser's found box and family memorabilia. Contact Cat to create a personal family memory for you. kaufmancat@gmail.com. Pricing varies by scale.
15" x 14" x 1.5"
Carved plaster, paint, found objects
20” x 24” x 1”
Photos, encaustic wax, on wood panel, in wood frame
10" x 8" x 1.5". Where will life take her? Plaster, paint, images, encaustic wax.
Found objects in silverware box with plaster buddha.
15" x 16" x 1"
Plaster on wood panel with paint and found objects.
Childhood is fleeting and as ethereal as the wispy pieces of netting that make up this piece.
If you look carefully, this cute little bird carries the memory of the baby blue lined paper we all used in school when learning our alphabet.
Textured plaster and paint on deep wall panel
15" x 15" x 3"
Do you ever feel that you are the prisoner of your circumstances? This wire, paper and string assemblage on a piece of chair shares that feeling that you can get tied to your own life. But you can choose to change that as well.
Supplicant Definition: Someone who asks with earnest prayer. Who is doing the asking? Who is hearing the prayer?
Remembering the great magician in his habitat.
Wood, chain, metal, paper, paint
5" x 8" x 1.5"
13" x 11.5" x 3"
All metal. Would make a great hanging garden sculpture.
Assemblage. Just plug in the head and you are ready to go onstage!
The story of the Dalai Lama is fascinating. When one dies they search for the reincarnated soul in a toddler. He is taken to live and learn with the monks - so is he born to lead or taught to lead?
26" x 5" x 8"
Wire and paper mask with found objects on copper
Personal collection
12”x 12” x 2”
Assemblage, metal, wood
Wire and pattern paper foot, found objects
Violin case containing layers of paper with an old map of Antarctica below. The layers of paper reflect the glacial layers and the piece feels as though it was just found buried in the ice - a remnant of a long ago shipwreck.
24" x 8" x 1"
Plaster, paint, wood. Framed (not shown)
12" x 12" x 2"
36" x 14" x 3"
A ladder reaching toward the sky from a small boat, adrift...
both are wrapped, as if in a dream.
metal, paper, cloth
White represents death in many societies as it does here. The rusty piece of twisted metal that protrudes from the piece creates a marvelous wing-like shadow on the wall when light is directed at it on the wall.
Wire and paper hollow mask with a lot of personality.
Wire, paper, maps, cloth
24" x 12" x 12"
22.5" x 10" x 2.5"
Plaster encaustic assemblage created in reverence to Adele by Gustov Klimt. The brown river flows from left to right across the piece, passing objects representing the history of the painting, from its creation, into war years, where it was stolen by the Nazis. Parts of the piece reflect symbols and colors in the Klimt painting.
Found pieces reflect their own histories and create a new one now that they are combined.
Metal, cloth, rope, rubber
Plaster, paint, linen, encaustic wax on panel
Wood, plaster, paint, metal, found objects
12" x 12" x 2"
Wood, paper, metal, found objects
12" x 6.5" x 2.5"
Wood, metal, ceramic, paper, feather. found objects
11" x 6.5" x 2.5"
A woman from an earlier era reflects on modern issues while her eggs accumulate at her feet.
Wood, paper, metal, plastic
11" x 12" x 2.5"
Metal, plaster, paint, cardboard, found objects
12" x 7" x 6"
Plaster, paint, images, found objects
19" x 12" x 3"
Three drawers with found objects
Personal collection
Plaster, paint and encaustic on stretched canvas
Wood, cloth, eggs, found objects
Homage to Bruce Connor
13" x 10" x 2"
10" x 8" x 3.5". Shown at an angle to see that the found metal circle protrudes from the piece. Plaster, paint, encaustic wax, found objects.
Found book pieces
10.5" x 11" x 1"
Commissioned mask. Wire, Paper, cloth, paint, plaster.
Photo from book, plaster, paint, wood
11" x 9" x 1.5" SOLD
Assemblage with painted canvas backing and wood ruler, rusty pieces from beach on Kauai, Hawaii. Framed in metal with white feathers, image of woman and ceramic doll legs.
Wire and paper mask with paint on found metal.
Plaster, paint, found objects
9.5" x 8"x 58" tall
Assemblage. 2010
7" x 5" x 26.5" Tall 2010
Assemblage with springs, fishing line spool, postage stamp, watch face, metal pieces, rusty spikes, wood box with metal base, wire, and trophy, 2011
8.5 x 8 x 2" 95.
Bone, paper, metal
Bible quote on bone says, "and not a soul escapes..." (death)
Wood, paper, photo, found objects
18" x 8" x 3" 2014
wire and paper mask with found objects
16” x 20” x 1.5”
Metal, plastic, paint, in wood panel
3 ft. x 1 ft.
Cardboard, reed, paint, string
Wire and paper mask with string
Plaster, paint, wood, nail, anemone spikes
Wire and paper mask
Wire and paper on wood base
Wood, plaster, metal, paper
Wood, metal, found objects, wax
Found objects
Wood, ink, vellum, copper
Wood, metal, wire, paper, found objects
6" x 26.5" x 7"
Wood, plaster, paint, paper, found objects
Wood, paint, found objects
Wood, paint, found objects
Where have all the bees gone?
cardboard, paper, paint and string
Seen from below in skylight
Wood, found objects
Found Objects, plaster, paint, wax
Metal, found objects, paint, wax
Metal rusted baking pan on film container with rusted wire
Plaster and paint on wood with key
Wire and paper mask with wire and spike
Based on the story of Phineas Gage, the man who was injured by a spike through his head when it was dynamited in the 1800s. He is famous as a study for the area of psychology.
Wood, photo, string, cloth, vellum, ink
Wood, paint, found objects
Wood, paper, wire, found objects, paint
Wire, paper, metal, wood, found objects, string
Represents the societal confinement of women in past centuries.
Wood, wire, paper, plaster, found objects
Wood, wire and paper, found objects, paint, wax
Found objects
Wood, paper, wax, found objects Filled with things that are worshiped: money children, gods, etc.
Found Objects Representing the young vaudevillian actress who was killed in the 1906 earthquake in Santa Rosa, CA.
Personal Collection
Mannequin on crate with wire and paper mask
Personal collection
Wood, plaster, found objects